Pro Testimonials
"Thank you to Alfred, Ben and everyone at Sam Bat. Incredibly solid bats, amazing customer service, everything you could possibly want from a bat company. Sam Bat is in my opinion the best at what they do and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a great wood bat to swing"
Ian Rice | 10/13/16
"I have used Sam Bats on and off my entire career and always felt they had
the hardest Maple in baseball. However, this season I finally made the
decision this year to use them exclusively and Sam's has had my back ever
since. Since making the switch my power, average, and production
dramatically increased, and now, every time I step up to the plate, I step
up with the confidence of knowing I'm swinging the best bat in baseball.
Thrilled and honored to be a part of the Sam Bats family."
Ramon Laureano | 10/12/16
"When he connected, it was loud, like somebody had turned up the volume. It was a beautiful sound, and I knew the ball would be leaving the yard"
Jimmy Rollins | Sports Illustrated, 9/18/06
"Sam wants to give me the credit. But it took both of us to do it. I give thanks to God for my ability, and I give thanks to Sam for producing something that gave me confidence. The difference is that mass manufacturers try to satisfy a client on a model of bat, Sam tries to satisfy the client with the performance of a bat. His are custom made."
Barry Bonds | Ottawa Sun, 1/27/02
“The Sam (Bat), it’s my baby. It’s my sweet potato pie.”
Royce Clayton | Sports Illustrated, 9/21/99
"I use my bat in BP, I use it in the game. I never break it. You can't break the Sam!"
Karim Garcia | Sports Illustrated, 9/21/99
“The old (ash) bat dents when you make good contact, which means energy is being absorbed. And you can feel it vibrate when you connect. With the Sam Bat, more of the power I generate is transferred to the ball. So it carries better.”
Jose Canseco | quoted in Jim Proudfoot’s column, The Toronto Star, 6/27/98
“When you first use them (Sam Bats), it’s a totally different feel from a normal bat. After you use them you don’t want to go back.”
Joe Carter | The New York Times, 6/19/98
"I like it a lot... The bat doesn't split like regular ash does... when you use an ash bat for practise, after one day, really, it starts to splinter and split on you and become soft. Maple is a much harder wood. It doesn't dent and it doesn't splinter. They're going to be around for a long time."
Joe Carter | Ottawa Citizen, 5/4/98